Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wilderness Escape VBS July 7-10 9-12 noon

Crooked Creek Baptist is pleased to announce its Vacation Bible School program offered on July 7-10 from 9 am to 12 noon!  This VBS program will focus on the story of Moses and the Israelites escape from Egypt and travels through the Wilderness as God leads them towards the Promised Land.

Children from ages 4 through 6th grade are welcome to attend!  You can pre-register by calling the church office at 317-251-7804 or by showing up in person on Monday, July 7 at 9:00 a.m.  Our VBS will feature activities such as games, music, crafts, snacks, and stories and promises to be both educational AND entertaining!

Our special mission project for this week will be:

VBS Homeless Kits:

This year for the Crooked Creek Baptist Wilderness Escape Vacation Bible School, we will be making sock kits to share with the homeless.  On the last day of Vacation Bible School, children will have a chance to assemble these kits!  But this can only happen with the right supplies.  To assemble these kits we are looking to collect a variety of items that will all fit into one sock.  Children and families are invited to help us by bringing in these items where we will check them off each day until our goal is reached.  Here are the suggested items we can use in these sock kits.

ALL of these items should be travel sized to insure they will fit into a sock:

1.       40 bottles of shampoo

2.       40 sticks of deodorants (for men and women)

3.       40 bottles of hand sanitizer

4.       40 tubes of sunscreen

5.       40 packs of wet wipes/cleansing towels

6.       40 tubes of lip balm (Chapstick, etc..)

7.       40 packages of tissues (Kleenex)

8.       40 bottles of lotion

9.       40 bottles of mouthwash

10.   40 packs of toothbrush/toothpaste (Either separate or packaged together)

11.   80 granola bars (please nothing more than chocolate chips- think about what chocolate does in a hot car)

12.   80 small boxes of raisins

13.   40 individual packs of fruit (applesause, etc…)

14.   40 packs of chewing gum


Donations can be brought to the front of the sanctuary each day and children will have a chance to mark off on our poster the items they have brought in to donate.

Please note:  after these kits are assembled on Thursday, July 10 you will have an option of taking a Homeless Sock Kit with you.  The idea for these kits is to share them with the homeless people that are so often begging on street corners or in medians alongside the road.  We advise you to use caution in sharing this kit and ALWAYS make sure it is an adult who hands the sock kit out of the window.

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