Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2013 Financial Plan

Last week I sent out a note about our financial plan for 2013.  I praised the Leadership Council for their work in reducing the projected deficit from $32,000 to $18,000 and challenged our members to respond by raising our income in a similar amount.  And it is my hope that this note will help you with some concrete numbers and projections.

According to our records we have between 60-65 who support God's ministry at Crooked Creek Baptist.  Privately I have mentioned to a couple of them that when you break down the numbers, if 60 of those givers were to add a total of $25 to their giving per months, we would raise an additional $18,000 for the budget.  $25, less than a meal out for a family of four.  Since making this statement, I have had several of these people come back to me and explain that they talked it over and have decided that they are going to make this pledge, to increase their monthly giving by $25 per month.  One of these families even explained how they were not waiting for 2013 but were beginning this sacrificial giving immediately.

Could your family be next to take up this challenge?  For those of you who have not yet developed a habit of giving to support God's ministry, here is a simple challenge- contribute $25 a month to support the God's mission through Crooked Creek Baptist.  It might not be such a great sacrifice to you, but over time and with the gifts of others will help us to carry forward God's message of love and hope for the world!  Here is your chance to add more to our family of God!

Are you already a committed giver?  Is it possible to make a small sacrifice of something as simple as $25 a month?  Broken down even further that equates to about $6 a week..or the price of one lunch.  Such a small sacrifice from a collective group can make a tremendous difference in the life of our church family and its mission. 

Grace and Peace,


1 comment:

Tom said...

Just for the record- connected to this story is the the news that shortly after this was posted my secretary came in and told us we had received and unexpected check for $10,000 from a church member. Is that coincidence? I do not think so!