Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Minutes from Leslie Estate Mission Meeting, April 9, 7:00 p.m:

Those in attendance: Joy Amick, David and Etta Mae Hays, Susan Matthews, Barb Thompson, Dave and Sue Staton, Don and Marcia Scott, Jim Hickey, Tim Chase, Doug Willey, Tom Bartley

This group recommends that 10% of the final Ted Leslie Estate distribution, totaling $29,000 be distributed as missions to the follow groups/organizations:

American Baptist Missions:

Regional Mission Offering: $3000
Camps (split equal between 2 camps) $3000
One Great Hour of Sharing $2000
Edna Martin Christian Center $3000
Camp support for EMCC children $1500

Missionary Support:

Bolick Family: $2000
Bonilla- Giovanetti Family: $2000
Cetola Family: $2000
Cvelich Family: $2000

Miscellaneous Ministries/Missions:

Wycliffe: $2000
The Lord’s Pantry: $1000

Crooked Creek Baptist:

New Mission/Ministry: $5500

Total: $29,000

This recommendation will be brought before the church at the April 15 business meeting.

1 comment:

Tom said...

This recommendation was approved at the business meeting with one modification. $2000 from the future ministry/mission fund was moved into the church's Fellowship Fund.