Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vacation Bible School

SonQuest Rainforest, the Vacation Bible School program at Crooked Creek Baptist will run from Monday, June 28 through Thursday, July 1 from 9:00 a.m until 12 noon. Registrations for children kindergarten through 5th grade can be made by contacting the church.


Pastor John Roberts said...

I grew up in Crooked Creek Church, and was ordained there in 1979. I noticed that Pastor Tom is preaching on Mark 10:17-24 this coming Sunday, May 23. I preached on that text last Sunday!

Many fond memories of youth group at CCBC, singing in the youth choir and then chancel choir, helping with youth group, etc. CCBC is where I met my wife in 1975, in a college-age Sunday School class called "Dead-Beats and Hangers-On." Others in that class included Gary Thompson, Vaughn Delong and Doug Gandy, to name just a few.

Anyway, glad to see you all online. God bless you as you seek you minister the gospel for God's glory!

James F. McGrath said...

Thanks for getting in touch! I've been looking for a new name for my Sunday School class for some time, and so I may try to revive "Dead-Beats and Hangers-On"! :)

Tom said...

I appreciate hearing from you as its always good to re-connect with church members! Thanks for visiting the site and making yourself known to us! The service went well and I believe the message about speaking the truth in love is being well received!