Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Special Mission Giving

At the Leadersip Council Meeting the Outreach Team presented their recommendations on how to distribute the first 10% of the funds received from the Ted Leslie Estate. The groups and organizations listed below are recipients of these gifts:

International Ministries- To support the Bolick family in Chile and the Bonilla-Giovanetti family in Spain

Cvelich Family- Missionaries serving in North Carolina who have a direct relationship with Crooked Creek Baptist

Crooked Creek Elementary School- to help out with specific needs of children/teachers in financial difficulties

Cetola Family- Missionaries with direct church ties preparing for a ministry in Italy

American Baptist Camps in Indiana- we support two Indiana camps: Indian Creek and Tippecanoe

United Mission- United Mission is the foundation of our denomination and we are presenting 20% of the total distributed.

Edna Martin Christian Center- The EMCC ministers to families in a downtown location and is in the process of relocating to a new site. United Way will match our gift during EMCC's fundraising drive and will be given in honor of retiring Executive Minister, Larry Mason.

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