Monday, September 27, 2010

Lunch Bunch Reflection

Yesterday afternoon I had the opportunity to spend a couple of hours with many of the children who attend services here at Crooked Creek Baptist. The occasion was a trip to a local pottery place where the kids selected and painted their own piece, which will be fired this week and returned to the children this coming Sunday. The plan is to bring their artwork forward so that the church can see the result of their efforts before allowing the children to bring their creations to their own homes.

But what really hit me as we were deep in the process of selecting first each child's individual piece and then color schemes was the investment that each child was making in their respective masterpiece. They were well behaved, respectful, helpful, calm, mannered, and supportive of one another. As I was watching them work together and comment on what each other was doing I was overwhelmed by just what a great group of children we had present.

And that great group of children did not happen by accident. It is obvious that a strong group of adults has invested a lot of time, care, love, and energy into the development of this group of children. And as I sat here and type this I remain overwhelmed at just how "nice" the day was. These good kids are a reflection of very good parents, who also remind me that we have a lot of great people here at Crooked Creek Baptist.

Now this is not to say that we do not have our share of challenges here at our church, but it does make me proud to be a part of such a great group of adults and children who demonstrate faith in more than just lip service. I am encouraged that the pathway we are discovering is one that seems to balance the desire to model good Christian behaviors while being a part of the world.

I do not say this often enough, but I am proud to be the pastor of Crooked Creek Baptist Church and see many reasons why this church should be proud of what God is doing in them and through them.

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