Monday, October 4, 2010

Crooked Creek Elementary Help

After School Achievers is a program at Crooked Creek Elementary School that takes place from 2:30-6 every Monday through Thursday at the school. Students who stay for this time get help with homework, tutoring, or just have someone read books with them. From 5-6 p.m. the children have an activity time. The principal, Kim Piper, has asked if there are volunteers from Crooked Creek Baptist who might be willing to help out with some of these children. Volunteers would have a lot of flexibility as to the day, time, and duration of the assistance.
Reading is a great way to bond with children and helping kids to read, and introducing them to the love of reading is a gift that can help children throughout their lives. By volunteering to help these children, we could make a difference in their life that will affect them for a very long time. We hope you will consider how God might be calling you to make a positive difference in a young child's life!

Volunteers will need to go through a background check before they can begin working with the children. If you are interested in participating in this activity, please contact Pastor Tom Bartley.

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