Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Crooked Creek Baptist Kings Island Trip

Crooked Creek Baptist is planning a family trip to Kings Island near Cincinnati, OH on Monday, July 1, 2013.

We will depart Crooked Creek Baptist at 7:30 a.m. on July 1 and return home around midnight on the same day.  Admission to the park is $30 (group rate).  Meals will be at your own expense.

Children and families are welcome to join us for this event (we will be arranging carpool details as registrations are set).  Children going into the 4th grade and younger will need to be accompanied by an adult (We might be able to arrange a chaperone for children who do not have a parent accompanying them.)  Youth going into 6th grade will be able to stay in the park with a second youth.  There will be regular MANDATORY check in times during the course of the day (set by Pastor Tom).  Of course friends and guests are welcome at this event.

Permission slips will be available this Sunday, June 9 and must completed and turned in along with the $30 registration fee by Sunday, June 23.  Please note that travel arrangements will be finalized at this point and we may have to deny late registrations due to space restrictions. 

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Tom at church, via email, or by phone at 670-4313.

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