Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oklahoma Tornado Relief

From our Executive Minister...note that 100% of funds donated go directly to helping with the relief effort.
Our One Great Hour of Sharing Offering is a trusted way to provide immediate relief to those who have experienced the tornado devastation in Moore, Oklahoma.
To give online, click here.  Enter your information and select "One Great Hour of Sharing" from the drop-down menu.
American Baptists Respond...
region logo A massive tornado tore through Moore, Okla., and surrounding suburbs of Oklahoma City on Monday, damaging homes, businesses and elementary schools. American Baptists are joining with others to respond to this disaster. Church World Service has issued an appeal, and $5,000 in One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) domestic emergency disaster-relief funds have been released in response to the appeal.  Read more...
Many from our wider ABC family gave sacrificially to OGHS last year when tornadoes struck Henryville, IN.  May we respond generously this year.
In Christ,
Rev. Soozi Whitten Ford, Executive Minister

American Baptist Churches of Indiana and Kentucky

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