Monday, April 18, 2016

A Service of "Sacred" Music/Rock Prayers

I'm not sure what to call the service that we've put together for next Sunday at Crooked Creek Baptist Church. But the service will feature a lot of music that we've never performed in church before, as well as several songs that we have included at least once. We'll start with "O Sacred Head Now Wounded" and end with "Amazing Grace" to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun." Can you figure out the connection between those two songs? If so, you'll appreciate this service - and if not, you need to be there to find out what it is.

In between, we'll have songs by Peter Gabriel, Kansas, Styx, and U2. And in connection with most of the songs, Dr. James F. McGrath will be sharing some thoughts about the artificial distinction between "sacred" and "secular" music, how Christians can follow the example of Paul the apostle in using music and lyrics from beyond the church as a bridge for communication, as well as how to be open to learning from that music when it highlights things that the church has been neglecting.

If you're in Indianapolis or the vicinity, please join us at Crooked Creek Baptist Church at 5540 Michigan Road in Indianapolis for this special service on April 24th at 10:45 am. And by all means get there earlier, whether for Sunday school at 9:30 am or light refreshments at 10:30.

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