Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Holy Week Update

If you have had trouble reaching the church the last couple of days it is due to an internet connection issue which has been resolved (as of today).  Any emails or other electronic communication since last Thursday (March 14) may have not been received in the office, though personal emails have been delivered.

We kick off Holy Week with a Palm Sunday service this Sunday morning that will feature believers baptism.  There will also be special music from the worship team and more!

Maundy Thursday, March 28,  we will offer a public Tenebrae service (the extinguishing of lights) in our 7 p.m. special service.  Communion will be offered and we will hear the passion story of Christ as read by Shannon Wise.  You may remember Shannon from last year's Easter Cantata as the narrator in that service.

Good Friday we will be participating in a community service hosted at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church.  This service will begin at noon on Friday, March 29 and will focus on the last 7 phrases of Jesus.  7 different pastors will offer 5 minute reflections on these phrases (Pastor Tom and Joy Amick will be 2 of those 7). 

And finally, on Sunday March 31 we will offer a Resurrection Celebration Service at our regular 10:45 a.m. time.  This could be a great opportunity to finally invite that friend, neighbor, or relative to join us in a service of celebration that on the third day Christ arose!
The worship team has been working on several pieces of special music and will debut a brand new original song in the service!

We hope you will make plans to join us for these special worship opportunities!

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