Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ash Wednesday Service

Crooked Creek Baptist will be hosting an interfaith Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday evening, February 13 at 7:00 p.m.  Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season that culminates with our Resurrection Celebration that will occur on March 31!  Ash Wednesday is a time for us to begin the process of reflecting on our own life and re-discovering the power of repentance in light of God's gift of salvation through Christ's death and resurrection.

Several churches and their leadership will be a part of this service, including Rev. L. Bryant Parker of Witherspoon Presbyterian, Rev. Kevin Bausman of Immanuel Presbyterian, and Pastors Ryan Algrim and Shannon Dycus from the First Mennonite Church.  We hope you will make plans to join us for this evening of worship, introspection, and repentance!

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