Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Prayer Request

Prayer Request: Late yesterday afternoon, Phyllis Goodyear (ABC-IN/KY Region Ministry Staff) was involved in an automobile accident. Her injuries include six broken ribs and shattered tibia and fibula in her left leg. They were talking about transferring her from St. Francis to Methodist last night for further evaluation and surgery. Her sister, Jan has been right there with her. The thing they both need most right now is PRAYER. With so much going on, it’s difficult to talk with people right now, so I wanted to suggest that those that know Jan & Phyllis would send cards and notes to the Region Office (1350 N. Delaware St, Indpls, IN 46202) for us to deliver as the whirlwind settles. Please keep both Phyllis and Jan in your prayers.

Phyllis was here with us this past Sunday...

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