Monday, August 22, 2011

October Sermon Series: Jesus and the Undead

In the month of October we will feature a special series of sermons that will focus on the undead. Americans fascination with the undead is well documented with the popularity of the Twilight series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and a series of spinoffs from classical literature such as Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Not to mention classical movies such as Zombieland, and Night of the Living Dead.

While some of these stories seek to redeem the walking undead, others detail the need to overcome and defeat these beings as inherently evil. While these monsters are creations of fiction, each one of them has a source that lies deep within the heart of our own humanity. It is this source that we will focus on in this series. What does the creation of such evil beings tell us about ourselves as individuals? As a community? What does the quest for redemption reveal about our own fragile human ego? These questions and more will be examined through this series.

We hope you will join us for topics such as Spiritual Vampirism, The Walking (Un)Dead, and Jesus the Friendly Ghost.

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