Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thirsting for God

With the help of a team of volunteers a special worship service will take place on Sunday morning, July 11. Focusing on the them, "Thirsting for God" from John 4:4-15 the service will explore the passionate longing and yearning for the presence of God's Holy Spirit in our lives. As part of the service, we might be able to experience the power of thirsting ourselves. During our regular fellowship time between our education hour and worship, we will continue to serve our regular offerings of a meal, but will not be serving any juice or coffee. The intent of this is to allow our church family to experience in a very real way this "thirsting for God." Of course we are not going to prohibit drinks from being brought in and would not recommend this for people who have health issues related to this, but we do hope that this one time practice might help people arrive at a better understanding of what it means to thirst for God.

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